We have lots of great spaces in Nursery where you can sit with a friend, or a teddy and have a good chat!
Every day, in Nursery, we have a 'snack and chat time'. This gives the children chance to talk with their friends and share all of their news!
It can be really tricky for the children in Nursery to remember the amazing things they do each day. So, when the children in Nursery do something super, they get a very special sticker. On it it says 'Ask me about'. The adult then writes down the special thing they have done. This could be putting their coat on by themselves or sharing toys with a friend. When the child then goes home it's easy for parents to chat with their child about their special achievements.
We learn new words in lots of different ways. We learn words with our new stories, with our nursery rhymes and where ever we play!
In Reception we share daily information about what we have been doing in school to encourage conversation at home.
Parent feedback
"Thank you for posting daily things on Dojo. Now I know what my child has been doing. She can tell me all about the stories."
"Thank you to all the teachers. My son tells me so much about school and the teachers. He has changed so much since his old Nursery"
Comments about the bedtime bags shared with Nursery families
"Last night Gian snuggled up in the blanket and hugged the teddy, listening to the bedtime story. He was so happy and excited. He even tried to read the book by himself. I am so grateful for the help and support to develop good routines and memories."
"The bedtime bag was very nice and enjoyable. Thank you so much for organising this."
"Joey is very much enjoying cuddling the dolphin teddy and learning all about the different sea animals in this weeks book!.
"Last night Jafar really enjoyed the bedtime bag on the sofa before bedtime."
Before they start school children were given an "All about me" bag. They filled it with 4 things to talk about to help us get to know them.
At Redwood we were involved in an Opportunity Area project called Talk Derby! Within school we have developed communication friendly areas and language and communication skills are at the heart of our curriculum. We work alongside parents to ensure that children make accelerated progress in this area.
We a held a Talk Derby Day in school when all the activities were based on communication, language and listening skills. Some children played Simon says, take a look at their video.
The sticker will give a little bit of information about what your child has been doing that day so that you can have conversations about their school day at home.
Here's some activities that develop Communication and Language skills that you might like to try at home